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The sharing of knowledge

The valuable outcomes are beginning to surface from the major networking event organised last July in Spain by Triton Italy, Imedmar, and the Universidad Católica de Valencia as part of ISMS24, the International Symposium on Marine Sciences. From that roundtable of researchers, an action plan was developed, involving key organisations such as SPA RAC and IUCN, and now a working group has become operational. 

In recent weeks, experts from LIFE Pinna and LIFE Pinnarca have brought together researchers from various disciplines, including ecology and reproduction, who study 𝘗𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘯𝘰𝘣𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘴 throughout the Mediterranean basin. The goal is to openly share current knowledge and develop new strategies. Specifically, the first online meetings focused on the reproduction of this large bivalve have taken place, aiming to establish a standardised technique for collecting and freezing any male gametes released by specimens, which could then be shared among different laboratories. 

The University of Genoa and Shoreline participated on behalf of LIFE Pinna, alongside representatives from institutions such as the University of Naples Federico II, Imedmar, CNR Ismar of Naples, the Aquarium of Pula, the Universidad Católica de Valencia, the IEO Instituto Español de Oceanografía in Madrid, CNR Ismar in Venice, IRTA in Barcelona, and Aix-Marseille University.